Radix or Hexadecimal Pane

Choosing Radix formatThe Radix pane displays the logical bytes in the frame in either hexadecimal, decimal or octal. The radix can be changed from the Format menu, or by right-clicking on the pane and choosing Hexadecimal, Decimal or Octal.

Because the Radix pane displays the logical bytes rather than the physical bytes, the data in the Radix pane may be different from that in the Event pane. See Physical vs. Logical Byte Display for more information.

Colors are used to show which protocol layer each byte belongs to. The colors correspond to the layers listed in the Decode pane.

The Event, Radix, Binary, Character and Decode panes are all synchronized with one another. Clicking on an element in any one of the panes highlights the corresponding element in all the other panes.

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